
Read the Constitution.

Here it is;
United States Constitution

Read the Bill Of Rights.

Here they are;
courtesy of The National Archives

Here are two outlets which haven't been shut down yet.


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Wendy Bell Radio

Wendy Bell Radio, known to the world wide web as https://www.wendybellradio.com/
Newsmax carries Wendy Bell in the morning for an hour or so, frequently interrupted by commercials.
To see her full 3 hour show directly and with more of the actual show, go to her website, again,
or catch her on Rumble.

The story of Kamala Harris. Before you vote, watch this...

This video is nearly 2 hours; watch as much as you can. This is the real story of Kamala Harris, how she got where she is and what she wants to do to America.

Picking a president

Actually in this case the choice is a "no-brainer". Donald Trump has 4 years of experience AS PRESIDENT, Harris 0.
Up 'til the china virus, Donald Trump had lower inflation, gas and food prices, no wars except what he inherited from Obama.
Harris' regime after 4 years created opposite results in each of those categories.
Donald Trump's tenure was marked by lower crime. He donated his salaries back to the federal government.
Donald Trump is an educated, successful, lifelong professional businessman who has built a multi-billion dollar business. Kamala Harris is an opportunistic lifelong politician who's never created anything. She's idealess and acheivementless. She rides an emotional campaign because she las no plan and no answers. All she has is "Trump is a bad guy", "Trump is a bad guy", and "Trump is a bad guy". In reality Trump is a very GOOD guy and the Deep State put her out there as "Most likely to Succeed" against him. She has no answers and so if someone questioned you about her plans then you'd have nothing to reply with because she has nothing to offer you but Socialism. All you could say was "Trump is a bad guy" because that's all she's given you to say.
How do leaders worldwide view Trump? How do leaders worldwide view Harris? They've each shown what they do.
"And that folks is how it's done"
On a different note;
What's with giving North Carolina survivors $750 eachand giving the government of Lebanon $200,000,000.00 ?

Look folks, we may as well cut to the chase here;

Harris and Walz and Schumer and Pelosi and Schiff and any and all Democratic candidates for anything this year aren't going to do anything any different after the election than what they've been doing the past 3 years because that's what the Deep Left State wants them to do. It doesn't matter who's name is on the campaign posters; Harris, Biden, whatever. They all do what they're told or else they wouldn't be there. Joe was thrown out because he couldn't do it any more. Then they just popped in Harris. Obviously the Deep State is more powerful than the Office of the President.
And Harris is a buffoon, no one voted for her for anything, she was the first candidate to leave the stage in 2020, 14 million votes for Biden at the '24 DNC and none for her, a few weeks later and Poof! Karmala Harris. Her biggest draw is that all the traditional Democratic voters think that she's the greatest because they were told to by the Party. Now, the Democrats are in 'lie about everything mode' in order to get elected, then it's back to Business As Usual unless we all give it a little thought,
Don't be fooled.

Proof of the Deep State.

The point of the above paragraphs-worth of diatribe is to say that if you're voting Democratic then you're voting for Big Brother. Harris, Santa Claus, whomever the Democrats are running out there, they're just the placeholder. The proof is this: if their candidate mattered then why in the world would anyone think that Harris is a viable candidate? She's got nothing upstairs. Where a mind should be there's a bucket of maybe 40-50 words, and when it's time to speak she gives the bucket a shake and pours some out. She has no clarity, no point to be enunciated, no ideas about what she's going to do or where she's going to end up. She speaks in platitudes or pre-recorded answers suited for any topic. Any jumble sentence can be substituted for any other jumble sentence at any point in her non-conversations. Her only function is to be black and female and her puppeteers are counting on the loyal Democrats to vote for anything on their ticket no matter how bad it is.

CBS' 60 Minutes Harris interview had to be edited before airing

The "press" had to re-configure/edit her recorded interviews so that she doesn't appear so vacuous and utterly stupid. Scroll down to about half way down this RSBN page and check the video out.
Democrats; you voted Democrat when it was the best thing for America. Parties change. This one has now changed. You have to keep up with what's best for America. America's what's most important, not allegiance to a party which has become terminal. Donald Trump loves America, doesn't need to run for this office. He loses money running for president. He's hated by the left because he's going to clean house. Do you want 4 more years of declining economy, increasing costs, decreasing safety, absent guidance, decaying morals, decaying stature and influence on the world stage, or 4 more years of growth, clarity, transparency, prosperity, safety, and strength around the world. Quite a difference and easily proved by comparing stats for those two 4-year periods.
You're not voting for people, you're voting for what they do. Do you want to pay for every ludicrous expense like paying for illegal alien's sex change operations and giving Lebanon $157 million dollars (just one of many examples), or do you want your tax dollars re-organizing and re-financing FEMA to help hurricane victims in the south? Compare the candidate's performances over each of their previous 4-year incumbancies. That should tell you which way to vote.

Doesn't it kinda say something

, that all of Caramel's endorsers are all the super-rich folks? Taylor Swift, Bruce Springsteen, the Hollywood set, the Green New Fail set, Opra, Obama, the Bill Gates, George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg, Madonna, Merrill Streep, John Legend, J-Lo, all those guys;
Hmmmmmmmmm...Who endorses President Trump? The working people of America endorse Donald Trump.
Last weekend while North Carolina was flooding out of existance, Scamala was out in California hustling bucks. In all fairness, she Did offer the flood victims $750 for their troubles, almost matching the approximately $9,000 which we spend on each and every illegal who shows up in what used to be our country for the handout.
Who endorses President Trump? The working people of America.

This is the best the "Democrats" have to offer?

Kabala Harris? The DEI hire marxist leftist? Come on Americans, we can't do any better than this? I heard that she actually swam up across the Rio Grande from Puerto Vallarta a few years ago and got a driver's license and a pant suit, the rest is history.
Not Carmela, that's for sure. She didn't just let millions and millions and millions of illegal immigrants walk across what used to be our border and is continuing to do so, she actively is FLYING them in from their countries of origin and has been for the past few months. What a mess.
Who's going to go through the country and collect up all of the 13,099 convicted murderers, 15,899 convicted sexual assault offenders the 53,533 drug convictions who she's rolled out the welcome mat for?
You Camela? You going to send them back home on the planes that you flew them in on? Will the airlines give the taxpayers a break for the round trip?
Take a look at these I.C.E. numbers released today, Sept. 25 '24.

Democrats; which country do you want America to assume the character of; Mexico? Venezuela? Burkina Faso? how about the Congo?
It won't matter what kind of country you as an American want or who you vote for, you'll get what the Deep State gives you and that's it, and it's already happening. They're not just waiting until their global socialist candidate wins in November, they've already been getting it done for the past 4 years.
67Depending on which world leader you are, you're either terrified, or you're whistling Dixie. And if she doesn't make president she can always play the title role in I Love Lucy.

And speaking of her sadly wacky 5 Trillion dollar tax plan,,,

Here's an assessment of her tax plan, courtesy of the Tax Foundation.
Or maybe this one, from the New York Times; President says; "We're very happy with the storm zone" What happens to K. Harris when the prompter goes out;

Kamela Harris' credibility and real agenda

The fact that Kamela says she'll do something when she becomes President says that she could have done those things as V.P.at any time during the past 3 1/2 years, and still could for the next couple of months. What she said and did up to July 22, the date of her surprise annointment for President, is her real agenda. She has to hide her true agenda because it's so radical and anti-American that no American would vote for her. Here's what you'll get more of with the Deep State's candidate;
USCBP criminal non-citizen
homicide statistics;
past 8 years.
Fiscal year 2017-2020 under Trump/Pence FY17
Fiscal year 2021-2024 under Biden/Harris FY21

Rachel Morin, 37

Laken Riley, 22

Kate Steinle, 32

Jocelyn Nungaray, 12

6 more folks, click here

Joshua Wilkerson, 18

Lizbeth Medina, 16

David Lee, 44

Ruby Garcia, 25

Travis Wolfe, 12

Molly Tibbetts, 20

Alex Wise, 10





325,000 children missing.

They come across the border, sometimes unaccompanied, they're released to "sponsers" on this side, then when they're followed up on, they can't be found and their sponsers are gone too. What's our government doing about it, they let the kids in to begin with. Who's responsible for this? H1>Homeless vets When biden came in 7% of vets were homeless, now in 2024 it's 14%. I havn't heard any illegal immigrants thanking our vets for the hotel rooms which they fought to provide the illegals with while they themselves sleep on sidewalks.

Here's an interesting observation, courtesy Wendy Bell;

It can be difficult for Democrats to talk about politics, because they have no facts. When discussing politics they get emotional, sometimes resulting in anger. Democrats will oftentimes respond emotionally because that's what they're supplied with by the Dem. Party and its propaganda arm, the maianstream news outlets like ABC, NBC, etc.; emotion, not facts. Emotion is the platform which Democrats ride upon and base their position on. If you have facts, then there's no need for emotion. Just above this paragraph you'll see some statistical facts, courtesy of U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
Wendy Bell; Monday Sept. 30; and also the Tuesday show; Oct. 1. Theyre in the ARCHIVE section of her website.

Attention black Americans;

To quote Joe Biden; "If you have a problem figuring out whether your for me or Trump. then you ain't black"
Biden in action

Harris' 25 favorite lies.

OK so I thought that I'd look at all the lies which Kramela said in the debate. I watched the debate and Harris lied repeatedly. I opened Google and put in "list of lies from the debate". Up came 9 pages of results about how many lies Trump made; solidly 9 pages of anti-Trump articles.
On the 9th page of Google results, I found 1 result about Harris' lies. The Federalist.com
And here's a thought; Camela Harris says a bunch of nothing. She kinda talks around in circles saying things which sound like they mean something but they go nowhere and you can't derive any description of specifics or course of action from them. So if you're listening to her and trying to be on her side and trying to ingest what she says as being of any meaning, then you are building in to your head these meaningless non-ideas as well. You'll have no more substantive thoughts in your head than she does. She talks about things that are or may be the case, but then follows with NO course of action to follow. She has no platform, no course of action. And to top that off, her real agenda is the opposite of what she tries to convince us of. So when someone asks you what she's gonna do, you've got nothing, because she never said what she's gonna do.
Also, she doesn't answer questions. Listen carefully to the question, then see if she said actually answers it. That should do it.

Bernie Knows Best:

On today's episode of Bernie Knows Best, Bernie spouts off on Carmela; "I think that she's trying to be pragmatic and doing what she thinks is right in order to win the election". Okie Dokie Bernie, talk about spilling the BEANS!
So we have to elect her to see what she's really like, after doing what she thinks is right in order to win the election?
aahhh, don't think so. Maybe instead go by what she was saying and doing before she was annointed. Bernie Knows Best. (Click his mask)
, brought to you by Big Brother Bros., handing out those canned candidates since 2008. Credit/thanx New York Post/youtube

This editorial is under construction;

We've heard the term "Deep State" being thrown around. There's clearly something there, it's just been hard to figure out what that is. Yesterday I heard the Koala brought in $230 million dollars for her campaign. That's almost a 1/4 Billion! OK, that's who the deep state is. Who's got that kind of money? Remember back a year of few ago when the news talked about the Russion Oligarchs? Our "Deep State" is the American Oligarchs. They're the people who have so much money that they can dictate what the government does, who want to take the well-being away from the people and acquire as much of it as they can for themselves.
Deep State has adopted the Democratic Party as the one which is the more ready of the two for the re-molding into the communist party which it's become. The Mega-rich Deep-Staters, who I don't even know who they are because I'm so far down the totem pole, are controlling almost totally all three of the branches of our government. They dictate the agenda which the Democratic Party administers, and they're not the visible players like Obama, Biden, Harris. That's why it makes no difference who's pres, vice-pres, or any or any of the people in the courts and legislature. Harris is just Joe, Joe is just Obama (minus the intelligence).
ActBlue is the financing conduit for the Democratic Party. Where is their money coming from? Overseas money? Money is being gathered without knowledge of where the money is coming from. Smurfing is a method of breaking up large contribs into small ones to go around big donation regulations. Go to The Federalist.

Donald Trump attends the Gold Star Families' memorial ceremony at Arlington.

Families of the fallen Marines respond to Camela Harris' derogatory remarks. Neither Harris nor Biden have ever contacted deceased Marine's families in THREE YEARS, despite being DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for their deaths.

All around the world....

millions and millions of people are praying that America will take back its freedoms in the November election, they know that if our nation falls, so then will theirs. America is the rest of the world's last hope. Pray that Donald Trump survives the election, and also that he wins.

This black woman is a disaster.

This black woman is a disaster. She has nothing good to offer our country. She's focused on turning America into something completely diffent than what it was created to be. Her relatively benign and vaguely moderate campaign promises are complete lies. She is an extreme socialist. She believes that the people are there for the government and not the inverse. Do not vote for anyone in her party, and least of all her. She was appointed to be the presidential candidate, not elected. You the voter weren't consulted. What about those of you who wanted Biden to be the candidate? Your party doesn't care what you want, get a clue. She received no primary election votes. Joe biden received 14 million. Don't forget; the press is in collusion. They won't bring any of Koala's true and past agenda to light, and they report all of the state-approved lies about Donald Trump. The current industry of news media is a complete propagandistic tool of the socialist left. Half the country see through it, the other half are ignorant, don't care, or worst of all; want it. Socialism is where we're headed under the Democratic.socialist left.
Where's our president? On vacation. Who's running the country? His same puppeteers who continue to work their (black) magic on whoever's in the presidential high chair of this current socialist reign. See how even in the course of this little paragraph he's so easily been dispensed with? So easy, what Joe. Who's Joe? Who? So easy, he's gone, whoosh!
She doesn't have an original thought in her head, she's been taught what to say and do from her marxist parents all the way up to the White House socialist puppeteers who write her teleprompter speeches. Without prompter you get things such as this:, This took place at a Yahoo for Abortions rally at Howard University, her alma mater, in D.C. last year. Here it is in print so that you can further savor her richness of thought;
"So I think it's very important, as you have heard from so many incredible leaders, for us at every moment in time - and certainly this one - to see the moment in time in which we exist and are present, and to be able to contextualize it, to understand where we exist in the history and in the moment as it relates not only to the past but the future,"
Ahaaa, there's just so much of this, she's been filling her catalogue for so long; There's just so much of this...
or this? What do you think that the leaders of China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, Venezuela etc think when they hear this stuff coming from black woman Kamala's mouth? Lack of stature, credibility, capability, intelligence, balance, insight, respect.
("Black woman" characterization courtesy Joe Biden}

Forget about which party you ascribe to....

Parties are a cop-out. If you take the parties, the words "Democrat" and "Republican" out of the conversation, then you're forced into talking about the issues (or you could run away with your hands over your ears until you found some sand to stick your head into), The parties are like some company with a bunch of bureaucrats and a budget and an ad agency, all trying to get you to buy their product.
The Democrats don't want to talk about their product because their product is crap. So instead of doing that, they lie about their product, and they go to the swamp media to smear and further lie about their opposition.
#1; The mainstream media; mainstream tv news, mainstream sodial media, mainstream polling, they are skewed. They don't tell about all the terrible things happening here and abroad due to the leftist/socialist agenda. They, as with the Democratic party itself, paint false portraits of the candidates and their plans. Start watching Newsmax, or secondarily, Fox news, Start watching Wendy Bell Radio, listen to John Guandolo for the unpleasant truths about where things stand.
#2; Justice system. The president heads the justice system, and the main entities within it; DOJ, FBI, Homeland Security, FBI, etc. have pulled out nearly all the stops in legal prosecutions/persecutions against Donald Trump, too many to spend time on here.
#3; The courts. Some of the lower tiers of the courts have colluded with the Dept. of Justice to convict Donald Trump of various crimes so that he's liable to be jailed if the left wants it.
#4; The deep state, which is in charge of the further options should it look as though Kamala will lose.
So anyway a vote for the Democratic ticket is like a vote for Fidel Castro, time to shine up your '57 Chevy, at least until the government which you voted for closes the gas stations

Next article....

This is classic; Caramel recently came out with a groundbreaking campaign promise; NO TAXES ON TIPS. Well where in the world could this revelation come from? She stole it from President Trump. He announced it in June. What's she going to come up with next; Make America Great Again? Have you seen her newly initiated rallies lately? They're exact copies of a Trump rally! The plane arriving, the field of attendees holding identical campaign signs behind her at the lectern, the seemingly huge crowds cheering. She's also getting tough on the border. Well she's been in power for almost 4 years now, WHY DIDN'T SHE DO ANY OF THIS WHILE SHE WAS IN OFFICE? Because she's a democrat, and open borders are their agenda. Democrats will never close the border, and she's lying about her doing so.
Here's 1 thing about lying; it all will eventually come out, as is being chronicled almost daily on conservative news outlets.

Aug. 8, 2024, Trump holds press conference.

He's taking any and all questions from every side of the press, you're not going to see that from Carmela. A Carmela press conference isn't going to happen much if at all because it'd be an embarrassement to the "Party". President Trump on the other hand just stood there, asking the press to give him questions and answering them instantly, fully, coherently and honestly. No dodging questions or trying to get out of answering by loudly cackling, because Trump's not a politician, he's a businessman. It's about getting things done and not wasting time.

Headline; August 11, Fox News;

Sen. JD Vance made the rounds on major news networks on Sunday,

...appearing on ABC, CBS and CNN, while interviews with his Democratic counterpart are nowhere to be found. I'll keep an eye out for him though.

Democrats; you're being WORKED.

You're being told who to vote for by the "Democratic" party. You've had no primary election, no other candidates are allowed. Big Media will shape your opinion of Carmella from the total dufus that she is into George Washington crossing the Deleware, one foot on the bow of his boat. Your supposed prefered candidate, ole' Joe, was yanked once it was determined that he was going to lose. You might have wanted to vote for Joe, and that's your right. Joe had the right to run, too bad; Boom! now you like Carmela, whether you like her or not. You can vote for her or you can vote for her, there's your choice. That's how they do it in Cuba.
Same goes for her underling, Sam Walz. So much is coming out about that guy though that he may not be around as VP candidate for much longer. He was Carmela's choice, based on finding someone who would do what she said and not out-shine her. He's pretty odd however and actually more radical wokedey woke woke than she is; making Minnesota schools carry tampons in boy's bathrooms, running out on his National Guard unit when it was determined that the unit was scheduled to go to the combat theatre overseas, allowing the BLM riots in 2020 Minneapolis to burn on for 4 days before calling the Nat'l Guard in to do something about it. Then there's his statement about carrying arms into war; that's a total lie, he never saw combat. Stolen Valor is the term for such statements. That's the VP you're going to vote for.

Harris'achievements as V.P.:

courtesy USA Today

Harris picks Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as V.P. candidate.

These two people are so far left and dishonest that I don't know where to start.
He said that he went to combat in the middle east, that's a total lie. He never did, and this sort of dishonesty is known as Stolen Valor and is deeply insulting to our armed service personnel.
Walz already lied about his military service, and he was only picked 2 DAYS AGO!
Walz made his state a sanctuary state for illegal immigrants AND for kids froM other states getting sex changes.
He was commander of his detail in the National Guard until they got the order to go over to Afganistan the next day, he quit his position that day.
He and Harris both lied to all Americans when they said that Biden was healthy and not brain-addled.
She Boycotted Netanyahu at his congressional address
He's a big China supplicant, he's been there 30 times and speaks fluent Chinese or what ever they speak there. What's the China thing about?They're not an ally, quite the opposite
She cast the deciding vote for Biden's 1.9 TRILLION dollar spending bill, sending us down the road to recession.
Both Biden and Harris were asked what they had to say to Iran to stop Iran from attacking Israel; their answer was "Don't".
(Iran now has nuclear missles and Russia just this week delivered launchers for those missles).
Carmilla Harris is a DEI hire. She wasn't picked for her qualifications, she was picked because uncle Joe (He's-a movin' kinda slow at the junction) announced ahead of time that he was going to pick a black woman for VP. That's racism and sexism and the continuance of Biden's long history of racist words and actions.(Mine and everybody's favorite of course: "If you don't vote for me then you ain't black".
BREAKING NEWS; Asif Merchant, a middle eastern guy, arrested for plotting to assassinate certain U.S. government officials. He had paid $5,000 to several possible shooters.


Your choice for presidential and vice pres. was taken from you and your choices were made for you. You don't get a vote. The Obama deep-state is running things, telling their awful candidates what to say and do, and making your choices for you. There's only 1 candidate to vote for anyway, that's how they do it in any other totalitarian state and that's what the Democratic ticket is now. Your only conscientious decision is to vote for Donald Trump because his leadership achieves benefit for all of us except for those folks who continue to push for communism, oh, I meant socialism, don't want to say the c word do we.


By the way, what ever happened to your "president"? Where is he? Seen him lately? As of today Aug. 7th there are Americans who've now been injured in the Isreal-Iran war and we have no president to guide our country in response. Old Joe is out of commission, sitting in his basement eating ice cream while our country flounders. Where's old Joe? Is Camilla running things? No, Obama, Susan Rece, Eric Holder, those people are running things. Where's old Joe; he's being looked after with the best of care. We won't see him much anymore, except maybe on one of his "good" days. He's out of the game now.


The Democratic party is in complete disintegration. There's a big difference between you the legitimate voter and them the global socialists who want to use you to spread their communist agenda, You have to give up your allegance to this party which no longer strives to serve a better existance to you and the rest of Americans. You may hate Donald Trump. You've been lied to and trained to do that. The mainstream media is telling you what to believe. The current government is telling you wnat to think. What ever you think America should truly be like, look at who's provided that and who has done the opposite. Harris and Walz were installed, you didn't get a choice. There's no primary votes, no vetting, no other candidates, no questioning of how you may want to run your country. Here's your choice; Donald Trump or Big Brother. That's your choice, that's OUR choice. Democrat, Republican, those don't matter. It's what you want America to be, that's what matters.There's no shame in deciding to make America great again, it shows your strength of decision. You don't have to continue your allegance to a party which no longer serves you and America. Please help all of us in deciding to show the woke socialists the door once and for all. We must put America back on track, the alternative is looking pretty bad.
This is the kind of society you get by voting Democratic; Gay Pride? A Republican-based society wouldn't allow little kids to be exposed to a bunch of naked guys showing off their goods. Who runs San Francisco; Democrats or Republicans?

The attempt on Donald Trump's life

They knew that the assassin was there, they brought Trump up to the lectern, they let the shooter take his shots, and then they took the shooter out.
Heard anything about any inquiries or investigations? Anything about the attempt? about the shooter? Of course not, that's the progressive/liberal/Democrat/socialist Dept. of Justice, from which the Secret Service is directed. Nothing will be done about it. Surpressing the story is the media's specialty. Trump should hire his own crew instead of taking the Secret Woke Service crew, which included the 5'2" woman who is assigned to protect the 6'3" Mr. Trump; right.
That's what you call a DEI hire.

You're voting for Camilla Harris because......

...food and gasoline prices aren't high enough?
..enough wars haven't broken out in the last 4 years?
it doesn't matter that you're paying for 10-20 million strangers livelyhoods and you want more.
...70-80 thousand americans per year dead from chinese fentanyl aren't enough.
..you like being lied to every day by your government and the press.
...you're betting on Obamala to handle dudes like Vladimir Putin or The Ayatolla Komeni or Zing Ciao Ping or whatever the Chinese guy's name is.
... her stellar performance as Border Czar portends an era of prosperity heretofore unrealized in modern societal history.
..there's still some little change-pockets of integrity in government which need to be dealt with.
...you want to see what a total worldwide envelopment of communism will do for you.
How's Camilla going to do with Putin and the chinese guy? You're going to vote FOR HER in November?. Border Czar? She can't even do Border Czar. Will she name a cross-dressing blaack woman as World Order Czar to handle our enemies? She has no clue or desire as to serving and protecting America. She's just Biden v.2, a useful idiot of the left bent on destroying what's left of the United States. Her accomplishments are


. All of the things she talks about she's done nothing about, she' just a speech-reader. They're going to show her reading speeches and then she'll hustle away before she can say anything of her own, beause she's kind of an idiot; not really very smart but just sort of a dope. There are videos all over youtube of her babblings.
Tallied as the most radical leftist senator in Congress during her tenure, out there further than Bernie Sanders, she's just who our adversaries want in the White House. A useful idiot.
The Democrats' complete abdication, through Biden and now Harris, of strength on the world stage has only green-lighted our foes and encouraged agression to the point of there now being wars around the globe which wouldn't exist had we had a strong president.

Stop the W.H.O. global pandemic authorization.

To say that this agreement takes away your rights and freedoms is the ultimate in understatement. Critical information is hard to come by and is being scrubbed away by the woke search engines such as Google. Here's what I've found;
W.H.O. pandemic treaty
more W.H.O. pandemic treaty

Here's where you live when you vote Democratic:

A country where the mexican cartels dictate your border policy.
A country where the government allows enemies of the country entry and access, allows them to poison its citizens, gives them arms, sells its land to them, and abandons its own citizens behind enemy lines.
One in which its children are taught in their public schools to question their sex, and to hate those of other skin colors.
One in which the government colludes with big teck to censor free speech and collude on the spread of falsehoods.
One in which crime is condoned, law enforcement is suppressed, and the well-off hire private security details to protect themselves.
One in which government bigwigs build walls around their houses to protect themselves but won't build a wall on our border to protect us.
One in which its leaders tell the citizens to consume and pollute less while they themselves consume and pollute more.
One in which men are allowed to call themselves women, expose themselves in women's locker rooms, beat up women in O;ympics boxing matches, and out-perform women in sports events, destroying women's sports.

White line break

President Ronald Reagan said that fascism will arrive in the guise of liberalism. Well there you go.

The leftist woke state is working full-speed-ahead to take your car from you.

High gas prices, gas taxes, mileage tax, high-density housing without parking, unkept roads, gas car moritoriums, it's all designrd to send you to work on the trolley and to then send you home to your box in a bigger box made of a lot of smaller boxes.
You EV owners, just hope you'll see some new power stations soon because the state doesn't even have enough juice to run things now, never mind what it'll be like after 5 or 10 years' worth of Rivians and Model 3s.

DO NOT vote Democrat on any federal, state or local tickets,

from Governor to Dog Catcher. Save the state if it's not too late.
Aug. 10;

The left is afraid of Donald Trump

They have no morals and no limits to their persecution of him. The degree of their persecution is equal to the degree of their fear.
July 4;

Democrats; here's what the Democratic Party wants;

Our gradeschoolers to be transsexuals.
Our borders open to anyone who wants to enter our country.
Providing Mexican cartels with a multi-billion dollar business and...
Continual immigrant deaths and...
Having another 80,000 to 100.000 American fentanyl deaths this year.
Hating and wishing harm to President Trump.
$5-6.00+/gal. gas and $5.00 for a half gal. milk.
Letting criminals go free for their crimes.
Selling our farmlands to China.
Dissolving the Supreme Court.
Leaving hundreds of Americans and $80,000,000,000 worth of armaments in the hands of the Taliban in Afghanistan.
Destroying our oil industry and then begging our adversaries for oil.
Nothing like moving the country forward. It doesn't matter which party you think you are, you have a chance to save the country.
Vote Republican, that's just "code" for bringing your country back from the road to national oblivion.
Parties don't matter, votes do and policies too. June 7 '22;

Never mind America's dwindling supplies, increasing inflation...

We need solar panels, everyone knows that, right? That should fix America's problems for good. So let's not make 'em here, it's so messy. Not to mention that if we employ Americans then it might help our economy and our citizen's lives, so
(click here >>>>>>>>>>>>>) Let's Pay Other Countries To Do It! courtesy Reuters.com May 12;

America LAST;
Biden sends out crack smoking kits to drug users, then buys up all the baby formula to give to illegal aliens.

Washington Free Beacon crackpipe info.
Here's NPR saying what a lot of people are saying about formula,
but instead,(courtesy Washington Times) Biden's giving our children's baby formula stocks to illegal aliens.
Meanwhile, the CEO of Abbott Pharma can't get their phone call to the FDA returned to get their inspectors back out to the plant to OK resuming of formula production; utter Federal failure.

Biden permits the purchase of Russian oil

Fb. 28; While Putin invades and destroys Ukraine, Biden is paying (today's rate of) $101/barrel to Putin for Russian oil, paying for Putin's war, while stopping us from pumping our own, and at the same time sending Ukraine $350,000,000 for defence against Russia. There's no missing factor here, this is simple. Biden is making us support Putin's war because of Biden's overseer's radical faux-green b.s. Feb. 11;

DOJ REPORT; Clinton spied on Trump

Dept. of Justice released this report on Friday, Feb. 11. None of the complicit news agancies have reported this because it's bad news for the left. This if flat-out propagandistic intentional mis-information-by-ommission by NBC, CBS, ABC, and CNN, just to name the biggest culprits. I've searched each of their sites; "nothing to see here folks, keep moving along now". Keep this on mind the next time you think you're getting the truth from these guys. Fox and Newsmax have carried it, here's a good synopsis courtesy of Fox News;

Clinton spied on White House

Time for some new Republican representatives;

Here is the list of House of Representatives Republicans who voted for Biden's "infrastructure" bill, listed by state so that you can find your vote-out target;

Alaska; Don Young
Illinois; Adam Kinzinger
Michigan; Fred Upton
Nebraska; Don Bacon
New Jersey; Chris Smith
New Jersey; Jeff Van Drew
New York; Anthony Garbarino
New York; John Katko
New York; Nicole Malliotakis
New York; Tom Reed
Ohio; Anthony Gonzalez
Pennsylvania; Brian Fitzpatrick
West Virginia; David McKinley

They took their roads and bridges money back to their constituents, and foisted over $600,000,000.00 in social re-engineering programs on all of America; thanks.

Nov. 1 '21

America is losing $160,000,000 A DAY in not producing oil

Not to mention losses in employment, high gas prices, reliance on OPEC. decreased national security. Oct. 26 '21

LIAR JOE! Bring our Americans home!

The Biden cabal is secretly communicating RIGHT NOW with almost 400 Americans whom they left behind.
"If there are American citizens left, we're going to stay until we get them all out".
The cabal hides this and attempts to distract us with vaccine mandates, social reform, and budget negotiations.
Don't buy it, hold them accountable for this national travesty.
Here's the story, courtesy thinkcivics.com

Oct. 22 '21

Joe spends $455,000 of YOUR money on a fence for HIS $2.1M beach house...

but put a stop to finishing OUR fence along the Mexico border.

Which way do you go:

Biden chokes off Chinavirus medicines to certain states.

Sept. 24, 28; Americans are STILL there in Afghanistan.
Oct. 25; about 360 of them, still there.

Biden has left our citizens and valued Afghan allies behind. They're still there and reportedly are being persecuted, tortured, and killed.

Wokespeak Dictionary



Inclusion Exclusion
Equity Racism, political expediency
Racist White
Racist Anyone with whom one disagrees
Reparations Welfare, Control
Defund police Black-targeting
misinformation any info that the socialists don't like, codeword to justify censorship

Georgia SB202;"Election Integrity Act of 2021" .

Here it is. Read it. I did. Until you do, you don't get to have an opinion on it and you certainly don't get to agree with all of the current roster of dumb-ass woke folk who obviously haven't read it either, unless you want to count yourself in with them. Social liberalism is the contemporary version of Keeping Up With The Joneses, where it's easier to agree with your supposed peers than it is to think for yourself. We're all dumb-asses from time to time, but we really should do our best to curtail it when it comes to harm caused to others because of it, a concept seemingly elusive to wokaholics.

p.69, section 31, sub-section (a) re/ poll hours. .

Date; April 3;
First, let me say that you, me and the entire population of America and the world in general are being lied to every day by the guy in the White House, by the Federal government and the socialists now therein esconsed, and most recently by the corporate clowns leading organizations such as Delta Airlines, Coke, and Major League Baseball, Home Depot, UPS and others.
This SB202 issue is the most recent example of daily leftist misinformation (as of this particular moment). Click on the bill's title above and read it. Spend an hour to learn the truth. This bill is about validating votes. See anything about racism or voter suppression? Do you think that it could be advantageous to suppress the vote of any particular demographic group? Why would a state want to suppress the vote? Do you want fraudulent voting? Where in this bill do you see implication of voter suppression?
We're being lied to every day. Do your research, learn the truth.
Sub-section (a) is referred to in the bill's text but not provided, I've provided a link, above.

Biden now importing Chinavirus into America from Mexico

March 3;
Biden has told the world "America opens its southern border to everyone". People are coming in with Chinavirus and spreading out into our cities. They don't wear masks and they're being housed in crowded shipping containers and being bussed out in crowded busses to our cities. Over 100 aliens WITH Chinavirus were released freely into the country. Joe Biden destroyed our immigration system just to get some new voter candidates once he gives illegal aliens the right to vote. He's now created the next resurgence of Chinavirus in America. How many times must it be said that without borders you have no country. How bad will it have to get before you stop voting for the woke, liberal, leftist, socialists? We have (maybe, as they're rigging the voting laws as we speak) one more chance to get it right, in 2022.

How many millions of illegal aliens are ok to invite in? What's your number? Will they enhance your life?

No English, no understanding of our laws, no background checks; chinavirus cases being brought into our country, human trafficking, gangs and drugs being walked across and released into the country.

How long will you wait for Dr. Fauci to give you permission to send your children to school?.

Now many homeless citizens should be displaced from shelters to make room for putting up illegal aliens? What's YOUR number?

How long will you allow our Capitol to be walled in while our country's borders are peeled open?

How many dollars will you give to foreign countries, failed states, and socialist campaign contributors for every dollar actually given to Americans for chinavirus relief, whats your number?

How many jobs will you allow the Socialist government to destroy while simultaneously weakening our nation, What's your number?

Will you vote for more of the same in 2022, or will you get the clue.

Hey American taxpayers; the Socialist Party needs your money...

Here's your 1.9 TRILLION DOLLAR C.A.R.E.S. Act (CARES for everyone but Americans);

$350 Billion to state governments, including the badly-managed ones.
$1.5 Million for a bridge from New York to Canada.
$100 Million for an underground rail project in Silicon Valley.
Billions for social justice issues and green energy initiatives.
loan guarantees for Planned Parenthood.
$1 Billion for "racial justice' for farmers.
$50 million for 'Enviornmental Justice" grants.
$112 Million for California ttransit projects.
$750 Million for "Global Health".
Expansion of Obamacare subsidies.
Nearly $500 Million or arts, humanities, libraries, museums, and native american language preservtion.
$30 Billion in grants to higher education.

Oh yeah; and about $190 Billion for Chinavirus relief payments to Americans and illegal aliens, that's about 10% of the C.A.R.E.S. Act heist.

Stay tuned for the separate, unrelated $2 Trillion Dollar green energy bill being prepped for ramming through congress.
I hope they print the money in high denominations, more convenient and less clutter, PLUS, with the ensuing inflation we'll all be using the bigger denominations for everything. Feb. 16 '21, still under the chinavirus restrictions;

The Socialist Party is taking your life away.

They're taking your jobs.
They're giving away your security.
They're keeping your children from going to school.
They're destroying your freedom of speech.
They're giving your tax dollars by the billions to other countries, just GIVING it away.
They're doing business with countries who are out to defeat us, TO THEIR BENEFIT.
The squatter in the White House lies, then contradicts himself with other lies.
The job of Congress has become that of political persecution, and that of the Executive branch to govern by decree at the dictate of leftist, union, and corporate interests, while the supposed president likes to go to bed early and have fires in the White House.
They're returning us to energy dependence on the middle east oil producers and forcing Canada to sell their oil to China, brilliant.
They fence off their buildings and make you pay for thousands of troops for their protection, but open the fencing of your borders to anyone who wants to walk in,
They teach your children racist, socialist, and athiest beliefs in your schools.
They teach racism to the entire American society by calling everyone a racist and then they play Americans against one another by trying to convince us that we hate each other because of our colors.
They sow division, because division allows control.

The only way out of these and other upcoming travesties is to destroy the Socialist's pawer by voting Republican, right down the line, every held office, every election. Date; Feb. 13;

Biden dumps unlimited illegal aliens into Texas.

He's opened up Texas' borders to a huge illegal alien influx. The plan; raise the state's population, give the illegals drivre's licenses, so then they have identification, then they can register to vote.
Those who want to come here and be supported by the government will be right over! The cost; more Chinavirus, crime, drugs, gangs, human trafficing, lower wages, increased unemployment. Texas turns from an American state to a Mexican one. Instead of keeping up American standards for its citizenry by making immigrants become American citizens by the American Naturalization process, we import Mexican citizenry intact. Anyone here want to make part of Mexico into an American state by allowing it to be here without raising it's stature to ours. You who say "yes" may now go find a Mexican resident and trade homes with them. Get out. I don't want you here, you're hurting my country. Date; Feb. 13;

Hunter Biden update

On day one of Joe's squat in the White House, he installed as head of DOJ's Criminal Division the law partner of his son's defense lawyer. That makes total sense if you're a Biden, and should make Hunt breathe a little easier. Hunt still holds a 10% share of BHR, a Chinese private equity firm, making the son a easy and convenient bargaining chip for President Xi Jinping.

And speaking of that...

Joke Biden before the election:
"No one in my family will have an office in the White House, will sit in on meetings as if they were a cabinet member, will, in fact, have any business relationship with anyone that relates to a foreign corporation of a foreign country. Period. Period. End of story."

Joe Biden after the election:
"My son, my family will not be involved in any business, any enterprise, that is in conflict with or appears to be in conflict, with the appropriate distance from, the presidency and government."

Being the sad liar (or maybe just forgetful) that he is, this is his standard fare. There are plenty of other examples unfortunately, but I'm out of time for now.

Illegal immigrants invited in with NO Chinavirus testing:

Why is Joe so intent on opening the southern border to completely unregulated mass illegal immigration? There's a pandemic. There's mass pandemic-related unemployment among American citizens.National security is being completely ignored, and that's contrary to the presidential oath. Why are we paying to board aliens in hotels? Shouldn't American citizens be given for free all the stuff that Joke wants to give illegal immigrants? Why do they deserve better treatment than citizens. free education, free houseing, food, medical care? Why are people from a heavily-infected part of the world invited in un-quarantined, yet Joe put a travel moratorium on various European countries? Do you believe in having a country? Countries require borders. No other countries treat their borders, or their citizens, this way.

We tried to elect a president but got this instead;


Joe Biden; impoverishing America since 2021

Here's the plan; destroy private enterprise and replace it with state control and service provision. Firing people from their jobs puts them on state welfare where they now get the money the government wants, get the food the government wants, gets the healthcare the government wants, and are buried where the government wants. Joke is destroyingg employment literally every day. I'm not hearing alot of announcement from Joke about the jobs he's bringing to America, are you? I'm hearing John Kerry telling laid-off workers to go find another job. I'm hearing Joe close industries which support whole towns. I'm hearing executive orders which move work out of America and send it to other countries. All this when the country needs help, it's getting destruction. We're in a pandemic and have high unemployment, Biden is killing jobs and allowing un-tested foreigners to freely walk across our borders and receive free benefits which our own citizens are denied. What kind of insanity is this? Socialism. t
Letting boys compete against girls in sports. "Any school that receives federal funding-including nearly every public high school-must either allow biological boys who self-identify as girls onto girls sports teams or face administrative action from the Education Department." Source; https://www.wsj.com/articles/joe-bidens-first-day-began-the-end-of-girls-sports-11611341066 Date;

Stopping the border wall

Without borders there is no country. Joe has stopped completion of the border wall. In New Mexico, he stopped construction with 1/2 mile to go, throwing away all the work that was done to provide safety for New Mexicans and for Americans. Drugs, human trafficing, undesireable aliens, sick people, they're all allowed in now, at will. And then Joe loads 'em onto planes and secretly flies 'em in the dead of night into cities all accros the country and drops 'em off.
America Last, (dis)courtesy of Joe Biden. Jan. 23;

Destroying livelyhoods

Thanks again Joke for putting around 11,000 well-paid pipeline workers out of work, Certainly all of you union members are on board with that, right? Oh and did I mention how that should facilitate Joke's message of unification? By unifying America in throwing this idiot out of Washington ASAP. We know of course who will probably succeed Joe when he's "relieved" and that's no comforting prospect, but that was designed in from the get-go and is now probably inevitable. This was one harsh learning curve for America, which hopefully will have included learning to be more careful about who you vote for. Date; Jan. 22

Do not support the Left.

The current federal government does not support or prioritize Anerica or Americans, but perfectly the opposite.
The leftist media censors news and public communication. Do not use the leftist social media platforms.
Know that when you look at leftist news and other programming that you're being lied to.
Consider these candidates for exclusion from your investment portfolio;
Speaking of which, search "Conservative right-wing investments" to find investment opportunities which align with your ethics. Date; Jan. 21;

America Last

White House Usurper-In-Cheat Joe dealt blows to American energy independence and our safety in his first illigitimate day in office, read his list of "orders" in this CNN page;
Illegals before citizens
Blocking deportation of criminals, counting wetbacks as voters, choosing energy dependence on the middle east while killing eleven thousand American jobs JUST ON THE PIPELINE, inviting immigrants from known terrorist countries and trafficing them into America; this is America LAST, the Biden dogma.Ask any LEGAL immigrant who has done the work to become an American what they think of this, ask 'em. Ask any war vet who gave some of their lives for us to have the America which they fought for what they think, ask 'em. Why does old Joe think that illegals and insurgents are more deserving of our country's assets than our citizens? Because he's long gone down the path of political success over ethics, which he has none of.

Your Tax Dollars at Work.

Inauguration Day, 2021
Just another day's work, Biden-style. Click the pic to hear this dolt bragging about paying off government officials to get his son (and himsef) out of trouble. This shows his respect for Ukraine.
Click the pic.


Whether we've chosen to align ourselves with the Democratic party or the Republican, our priority is to be Americans and support the values which gave us and ours the wonderful lives which we have, better than that of any other nation on earth. The Democratic party is not what it used to be.Your allegience to America has to supercede your allegience to a political party, especially if that party has turned against your true personal values. If your values are freedom, morality, honesty and compassion and you're a Democrat then it's time to take a real deep look at where your party is headed. The Democratic party is now on an authoritarian, socialist track which rejects those values in favor of putting Americans in line to facilitate government socialist policies and big corporate financial interests. Here's why;
America is a capitalist system, and there's no one better at it, we've been developing that system for over 250 years. China in the 40s and 50s adopted Communism but has seen how successful America has been. China has studied America's playbook, adopted it and is competing with us at our own game. American and Chinese business interests want to trade with one another to make money - that's capitalism for 'ya - but China wants to win and dominate us. The Democrats and big business are working together to make money and want to manage the American people to get in line, not to make life better for Americans. Chinese labor and goods are cheaper so Americans are dumped in favor of Chinese labor and goods. The 1st Amendment is being destroyed to suppress American's objections. The 2nd Amendment is being destroyed because our new socialist government doesn't want citizens having any power.
The sports and entertainment industries with their billions of dollars in revenues support China to make money, and the new socialist democratic party helps them..
The social media industry is on board for the same reason. These companies don't care about the freedom of America as long as they make their money. Their part in the socialist conspiracy is to subvert America's conversation and destroy Donald Trump because Trump stands for the well-being of America and is a direct threat to the socialist's agenda. The left is afraid of Trump and what he stands for. They realize that if America is allowed to see what is really happening that their game is through. All the ridiculous suppression of Trump is an obvious testament to their fear of him. The left is trying to impeach President Trump for insurrection. Last week there were riots at and in the Capitol building. This week there are demonstrations expected at federal and state buildings. The president has come out asking for calm and for no violence or vandalism. If there is violence or vandalism it won't be the president doing it and it won't be the president's fault, it will be done by the American people. And the persons who invaded the capitol last week were not the president, they were the American people. Right or wrong, it was the people and how they chose to express themselves. One might think initially that this was unamerican behavior but think again. This is how this country was founded, with the American Revolution. That was the American people, taking action to overthrow their oppressors. Their leaders then began the country we have and concieved a framework, the Constitution, to guide us. We have the only country to have such a framework. If we don't follow that framework then we'll be back to square one after 250 or so years. Square one is revolution, That's how we do it in America, as may be necessary. That's what we're seeing the beginnings of. That's what we saw at The Capitol building on Jan 6, 2021. Happy New Year.

As regards this current socialist impeachment sham, the President said and did ablosutely nothing to incite violence and this move is purely a weak, transparent political offense to America about which the perpetrators should be ashamed. It has so many damaging ramifications that I don't even have the time right now to begin to address them. I will say however that it is a "Democratic" conspiracy to wrongfully overthrow a Unite States President for purely political and self-serving reasons.

Here are the Republican Assemblypersons who voted to impeach President Trump;
Liz Cheney - Wyoming
Anthony Gonzalez - Ohio
Jamie Herrera Beutler - Washington
John Katko - New York
Adam Kinzinger - Illinois
Peter Meijer - Michigan
Dan Newhouse - Washington
Tom Rice - South Carolina
Fred Upton - Michigan
David Valadao - California

Here are the Republican Senators who voted not to dismiss the impeachment; Mitt Romney - Utah
Ben Sasse - Nebraska
Susan Collins - Maine
Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
Pat Toomey - Pennsylvania

These people need to be replaced.

The socialists are now in control

and the first thing they're doing, like any good invading force, is to cut off the enemy's communications. Facebook and Twitter are now shutting off conservative accounts. Apple and Android phone downloads of Parler on The App Store and Google Play have been removed. Socialism is now here. Hide your guns, pull your money out of banks and bury it. The Socialists will come for them. All conservative communications will be obliterated by the brown shirts now known as Big Tech as fast as they can. Go to Clouthub.com, the current opportunity to communicate.
Conservatives need to drop Twitter and Facebook, stop buying on Amazon as it's a socialist-funding company. Buy instead on ebay or direct from real small businesses where your money goes directly to real people. Power needs to be created by sheer numbers of people unifying in action to resist socialist rule. Real behavioral change will have to be made, you can't just talk about it. Voting will probably be useless due to the corruption now rampant as per this past presidential election. Some other way of placing conservative representatives into government will have to be found, if that'll even be of any benefit.
Do not buy books published by Simon & Schuster, they refuse to publish books by conservative writers.
Vote with your wallet; divest of any investments in socialist-backing corporations.
Make every effort to stop supporting China's economy over our own. The newly installed socialists will support China's interests, we must counter that as much as possible.

Ridiculous "COVID RELIEF" bill.

Dec. 22;
2.3 Trillion dollars. 1.4 trillion for the gov't's operating budget through September, the remaining 900 billion for Chinavirus relief. And how much will you get? Well, if you're one of the core working citizens of America, you may get 600 dollars.
Yes, 600 dollars. What's that going to do for you? pay a 1/3 or a 1/4 of your rent or mortgage? Isn't that good enough? Well it better be, because there are alot of other folks and interests who need your money too.

The long and short of it is; Nancy Pelosi issued a finance package containing both the federal budget AND supposed Chinavirus relief provisions, in truth stuffed with a sickening amount of non-American relief. She does it at the last minute before the government needs to approve financing or shut down. She writes it up in a 5500 page document and gives it to the senate to approve later that day. It contains a pittance for Americans and some of the following enumerated provisions for foreigh countries. The President of course won't sign it, loaded as it is with truckfuls of your tax dollars being sent overseas instead of back to you. He says "give Americans $2000, not 600, so she agrees but won't get rid of the foreign waste money, so he still won't sign it.
The media won't tell you this scenario, they just say that the President ia a mean hateful vindictive racist old man trying to hurt us on his way out. This is a lie, and here are some of the things that the House of Representatives wants to spend our relief money on;

Economic relief payments paid for by you (and retroactively) to illegal aliens who snuck into our country to usurp our resources, also paid for by you, while flaunting our laws, culture and safety.
10 mil for gender equity programs in Pakistan,
Funding for a Horseracing Integrity Commission to prevent race horse doping,
40 mil for the Kennedy Center,
Automobiles for federal HIV workers,
Money for TWO NEW Smithsonian museums, the Women's History museum and the Americqn latino museum,
500 mil for border security in Jordan,
250 mil for border security in Lebanon, Tunisia and Oman,
33 mil for Venezuelan "democracy",
23 mil for Sudan,
10s of millions of $ for recruiting women in to the Afghan army.
500 mil to central America to "fight corruption"
1.3 mil to study if Americans will eat bugs
2 mil to study whether or not hottubs reduce stress
1 mil for a program to reduce patient's fear of dentists
$150,000 to Kenya for art classes
37 mil to Philipines to stop students from playing hookie
3 mil to send Russian students to American community colleges
715 mil to replace lost Syrian rebel training equipment
6 mil to D.C. for bicycle parking
4.5 mil to study the effects of bobcat urine on rats

700 mil to the Sudan
86 mil to Cambodia
1.3 BIL to Egypt
This is not a complete list.

So that's how much you're worth to those in congress who would rather pay for gender equality in Pakistan than help their own American constituents; $600.
Of course it'll save money to reduce 11,000 beds from our prisons and to defund ICE. Those things should up our worth by another nickel or so.

Those things are what you're paying for when you support the current democratic party, and unfortunately they're not EVEN the beginning. President Trump is doing his best to get this bill thrown out and re-written in service to Americans in stead of everyone in the world EXCEPT working Americans. So you don't think $600 will help much? You're right, and you're not the point of this bill. The point of this bill is to establish power for the democrats. It's now going to be a long hard road to get rid of the democrats, the first step is to Vote REPUBLICAN in Georgia next month. Not doing so will sink our ship even faster thqn it's begun to so far. America was foolish not to resoundingly re-elect Trump, life for at least the next 4 years will now be an example of learning things the hard way.

Want to know more about what's going on and how we're being screwed over by our government? Watch Fox news, specifically the Tucker Carlson show. The other stations are lying to you.

Or try looking at the relief bill this way;
Population of the U.S.A.: 328 million.
x $600 = $186,800,000,000, that's $186.8 billion, $600 for every man, woman, and child in America. But the relief bill money is $900 billion, that's 7 TIMES the $186.8 billion. How do you explain that. Here's the explanation; polititians taking advantage of America's misery to spend America's tax dollars on socialist "progressive" programs. There's your science, do the arithmetic. 7x $600 = $4200. And this arithmetic isn't even accurate. The recipient numbers are much lower than 328 mil and the rip-off factor is probably more like 10-14x.Who should be getting that $4200, you or a woman in Pakistan? a syrian regel? Are you happy with the work that your senators and congressmen are doing?

Dec 11, 2020
Here's #1,
If you're paying attention to Big Media, that is to say the national network news, local news shows and social media, and you are not listening to Fox News, then you are being misled, don't know all of the facts and don't have a balanced picture of what's happening. Here are some current examples;

A big chunk of America knows that the recent elections were a sham. The result, a huge multi-state Supreme Court lawsuit aimed at throwing out the rssults of the most blatant state election results. The media is, so far, running the story and attempting to discredit this effort without explaining what the suit is based on, which is all the myriad cases of election fraud and other dishonesties.

The ongoing federal investigation into Hunter Biden's foreign business incomes and related Joe Biden knowledge and profit, network news is generally supressing this news item and the cable stations ore decrying it.
Senate Intellligence Committee member Eric Swalwell's personal relationship with Chinese spy, the media is generally supressing this news item.

Speaking of China, the Socialists and major media intently push the "Russia" threat narrative at every opportunity. The biggest example; the Trump impeachment, was initiated based on Trump having conversation with Ukrainian officals. It's his job to speak with foreign officials, he's President.
Why Russia? to distract from awareness of the real concern; China. The Bidens are involved with China, and big business profits from involvement there, both to the detriment of America. China benefits from these complicities as its goals are ownership and control of America. It's simple and easy to see. The media will act accordingly because they're on the side of big business. You'll hear no reference to the origins of the pandemic, China's human rights record, incursions into the Pacific, Democratic campaign contributions, data-gathering through social media, on and on. The list is exhaustive, and the more you know about China's involvement in America, the more alarmed you should be.
The left, that is to say the rising Socialist Democratic party and their media machine, is about control and imposing their beliefs and vision of America on to its people. It will give to you free of charge what it thinks that you need and will take from you free of compensation what it thinks that you don't. The purpose of socialism is to facilitate the state for the good of the people.

The right, Republicans and with the help of only Fox News, seeks to keep America a place where people can make their future the way they want it without being controlled by the government. The purpose of capitalism is to facilitate the individual.

This is a really simple difference. The truth about what's going on with our country currently is becoming increasingly easy to see. That's because as the current issues come to a head, they're more obvious. The true facts are brought to light, the falsehoods become more obvious, and things more obviously connect together. Just look at the facts and put things together. If one side is presenting facts and details, and the other is not and instead is just downplaying and discrediting, then there's an implication there as to who's more likely telling the truth. Does this strike your heart as true? It is, and you're right.

The Biden laptop story;

Here it is, courtesy of Sky News Australia.
Click here

Says Joe when asked about it; "I have no response"

Update Oct. 20; Kazakstan added to countries who paid junior Biden for access to "The Big Guy".

Update Oct. 21; U.S. Dept. of Justice subpeonas the laptop re/ foreign payments to Bidens during Obama presidency, FBI slow-walking release of laptop emails to Dept. of Justice until after election.
Follow-up investigations from the Tennessee Star:
Click here

The role of China Virus in the Socialist party's agenda

First of all, let's call a spade a spade, here on out I'm just going to refer to the Democratic party as the Socialists.
(now I've been to some pretty screamin' parties and this one doesn't look like that good, they're such a dour bunch, probably because socialism's not that much fun. By contrast, you listen to Republicans, they generally seem so happy at the prospect of Americanism as the motif for America).

The socialists basically don't want America to get over the virus. As long as there's a virus, the local and state Socialist authorities can keep businesses shut down. This puts everyone on the dole to their local unemployment depertments and Federal $300 China Virus subsistance checks. This keeps everyone beholdin to the government, which is the foundation of the government being able to make people do as they're told.
If you don't believe this then look at the shutdown policies of the Socialist jurisdictions vs. the Republican ones. Notice also that President Trump is pushing for a vaccine and is looking forward to seeing one by the end of the year, The Socialists don't talk about or do anything about getting a vaccine done at all. Joe says that he'll mandate masks nationally once in office, thus further emphasizing the virus. Masks, distancing, handwash, they're all valid but are not to be used to suppress life. We're adults, we can make our own decisions, calling on the assistance of the government as we see fit, which is what the government is for, not to tell us what to do.

California wildfires;

Lots of dense old dry fuel; big uncontrollable fire.
little, sparce fuel; small controllable fire.

Did I miss anything?

If you're concerned about climate change, forget it. The climate changes, with or without man. Does man affect climate change rates and condition? Certainly. What's the biggest carbon dump into our atmosphere lately? These recent west coast wildfires. We can reduce auto emissions, stop fracking, and build all the windmills you want but as long as we allow big fires then we're really being hypocritical. So emergency priority #1; bring under control the fuel supplies for the fires, it'll make it much easier to resist climate change if that's your goal.

Diversity - the differences between things

Diversity is the difference between things. If you mix everything together then you no longer have diversity. To maintain diversity, the different things need to be kept separate. Diversity disappears when things of difference are mixed together. Then you end up with homogeneity, not diversity.